Kettering - CYTRICON 1 - Programme


NOTE:- Owing to the ill-health of Stuart Mackenzie, the London Circle plans for the programme are in a state of complete chaos!


SATURDAY the 9th of April, 1955

11am to 12noon.....Official Opening and Introductions.

Lunch Break.

2pm to 3pm....Editors Panel comprising of H.J.Campbell, Peter Hamlilton, and Ted Carnell.

5pm to 4pm…. The Liverpool Show

4pm to 5pm....Introducing Ken Slater in "Fanac,Past and Present."

5pm to 5-30pm...Auction and Raffle.

Tea Break.

7pm to 11pm….Film Show.."The War of the Worlds” etc.


SUNDAY the 10th of April

11am to 12noon….Anyone who is out of bed is invited to the JAZZ?? session.

Lunch Break.

2pm to 3pm….Award to the most outstanding Author and Fanzine of 1955.

3pm to 4pm….The London Circle presents "State of Chaos One."

4pm to 5pm….Ted Carnell asks "Is Mind Matter?"

5pm to 5-30pm….Ted Carnell talks about the 1956 World Convention.

Tea Break

7pm to 8pm….The London Circle presents "State of Chaos Two."

8pm to 9pm....Dan Morgan and "The Lunatic Fringe."

9pm to 10pm….The London Circle presents "State of Chaos Three".

10pm to 11pm….The Last Grand Auction and Final Farewells.


The above programme is what should take place, but notice is hereby given that alterations may be made without warning.