the site dedicated to combat helmets

(Imperial War Museum BU 1146, Crown Copyright, unauthorised reproduction prohibited

Arnhem 17 - 25 September 1944: Alan Wood, the war correspondent, typing his despatch in a wood outside Arnhem; with him are three members of the 1st (British) Airborne Division. (Imperial War Museum BU 1146, Crown Copyright, unauthorised reproduction prohibited)


In this section we keep articles written by collectors, offering useful advice on the history and collecting of combat helmets.

We’re always looking for new material, especially on less known helmets; do you have notes, pictures or other info that you want to share with others? Send me an email.

M-1"Euroclones" - Roger V. Lucy, author of "Tin Lids", illustrates the main European copies of the US M-1 helmet used during and after the Cold War.

The History Of The PASGT Helmet - Charles Simpson takes a look at the development of the Kevlar helmet and its latest versions.

The Yugoslav Ne44 helmet - Bruno Murgia presents this historical helmet, which played a starring role in the Balcan Wars of the 1990's

Pre or Post War? - A quick guide for the identification of the Italian M33 helmet, which served for over sixty years.

Post-War M35 German Helmet - Bruno Murgia illustrates the use and characteristics of the Bundesgrenzschutz helmet.

My Fake German M42 Helmet - A description of how I fell for a nice copy.

The U.S. M-1938 Tanker’s Helmet - Chris Armold, author of the two Steel Pots volumes, summarises the history of this famous helmet.